European Components Sourcing

//European Components Sourcing

European Components Sourcing

With the increasing prominence of equipment from Europe in North America, most factories have a difficult time establishing the proper mechanisms for procuring replacement parts that originate in Europe. Simplex Machinery & Engineering can provide you with a single source solution to this problem. In today’s competitive world economy.

Simplex Machinery & Engineering is a multi-disciplinary supplier of machine components to the North American market. Our goal is to be versatile in our offerings, competitive in our pricing and prompt in our delivery. In the past, these qualities have been mutually exclusive. We are striving to seperate ourselves from this old model of supply in order to become your company’s most vital vendor. Simplex Machinery & Engineering gives you a single vendor that can provide a large variety of products at very competitive prices. This enables you to accomplish three important goals of every purchasing department:

  1. Keep the machinery running at full production capability.
  2. Purchase products at the lowest possible cost.
  3. Purchase products from as few a vendors as possible.

With our commitment to continually improve the quality, selection and price of our offerings, we
will maintain a competitive position in our marketplace.

By | 2018-05-04T13:43:48+00:00 May 4th, 2018|News|